Sunday, 11 February 2007

Bible Power

Miracle in Monterrey

Encircled by criminals One by one, Paloma watches gang members walk out of the warm Monterrey sun, and into her tiny home. She catches her breath as she contemplates the situation in which she suddenly finds herself—Paloma has heard the gruesome stories. Now, as the last member steps into her living room, she softly clears her throat.
“Tonight,“ she announces to the circle, “we will be studying from the book of Matthew.“
Paloma's growing problemNot even two years ago, Paloma was terrified of the neighborhood in which she lived. As a middle-aged woman, she felt defenseless in a community characterized by hatred, drugs, lust, and violence. But God did a mighty work in Paloma's heart, and soon she held a passion for outreach that transcended any remnants of fear.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Paloma invited a few local gang members to meet within her home. Then using Bible studies, she told them about the love and forgiveness that only Jesus could offer.
It wasn't long before word got out on the streets. Driven by curiosity, several more young men wanted to hear the Message that this brave woman had to share. Each week the attendance grew a little bit more.
Today, Paloma is dealing with a whole new problem-finding a location that can house the 45 to 50 ex-gang members that turn up every week.
500,000 Scriptures placedAs God is changing individuals, He's building bridges to their families... and to their friends... and to their communities through the outreach of many like Paloma. The ripple builds into a mighty wave that is sweeping throughout the city. Over the past two years of Bible League's ministry, one-twelfth of the city's population has heard the Gospel—and a half million Scriptures have been placed—through these Bible studies.
Sometimes, Paloma's group members continue to struggle with deep-rooted addictions even after they accept Christ as their Savior. But these former gang members have formed a support system of prayer and encouragement for each other's success.
And Paloma has taken an additional step by helping to find these young men jobs and job training. She says, “I love these young people, and it breaks my heart to see them throwing their lives away. I want them to become men of integrity.“
It is this communal aspect of Bible study that is slowly turning Paloma's neighborhood around. Her house—the only one on the block not covered in graffiti—has become an oasis from the troubles of the world.
In service to GodThank God, with us, for the revival He has begun in Monterrey. Only He could use a heart of fear to reach an entire community.
Pray also that others will recognize God's call to reach the world with His Word. God is waiting to pour out His blessing on those who make themselves available.

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