Tuesday 22 May 2007

Bible Power

CHICAGO—Bible League ministry results reveal over 1.4 million children’s Scriptures provided worldwide in 2006. From Albania to Zimbabwe—lives of hundreds and thousands of children were impacted and transformed by the power of God’s Word.

Sudha, a young girl from a remote village in India, is one example of Bible League’s worldwide impact. Sudha became affected by chicken pox. The result: she lost her sight and was unable to continue with her education. Her parents took her to many doctors—only to lose money and see no results. When Sudha and her family were left helpless and broken hearted, they met a Bible League-trained Christian. He conveyed the Scriptures to Sudha, and soon her entire family came to know the love of Jesus. The wound in the eye of Sudha is cured and little by little she is regaining her sight. Sudha has expressed that, through her faith, she believes God will heal her completely.

“Throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America alone, 40% of the population is age 15 or under,” said Mike Southworth, Executive Vice President of Bible League Ministries. “Some studies suggest that 85% of those who will receive Christ will do so before age 25. This means there are billions of boys and girls around the world who are in the most spiritually influential stage of life—they are the future.”

Southworth continued, “Bible League has a unique opportunity, working with local churches worldwide, to equip believers with Scriptures and training. Many children live in areas where they will not have access to God’s Word any other way, either because Bibles are too expensive or just not available. We are so grateful for our partners who, through their gifts, help us make these Bibles and materials available.”

By placing God’s Word in the hands of these children, and teaching Biblical truths worldwide, Bible League is witnessing precious lives being transformed forever.
“Some studies suggest that 85% of those who will receive Christ will do so before age 25. This means there are billions of boys and girls around the world who are in the most spiritually influential stage of life—they are the future.”

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Significant regional growth in Bible studies completed during 2006
Nearly 3.3 million Bible studies were completed worldwide during 2006 in areas with active Bible League ministry. That’s an average of 9,032 completed every day, or 376 every hour.Find out more

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